💫 House of DAOs
🤨👉Wait, WTF are DAOs???👈
🏗️DAO Frameworks
These are the frameworks for launching DAOs on the Ethereum network:
- DAOHaus - Magic internet communities for all. Share resources & get shit done. Together.
- Aragon - Aragon gives internet communities unprecedented power to organize around shared values and resources.
- Colony - Organizations, for the Internet. Colony makes it easy for people all over the world to build organizations together, online.
- DAOstack - An open-source project advancing the technology and adoption of decentralized governance.
- Gardens - Gardens are digital economies that anyone can help shape.
- Syndicate - Transform any wallet into a powerful web3 investment club.
- MetaSys - A meta framework for DAOs; a combination of tools & a philosophy put together by MetaGame.
🛠️Other Infrastructure
Project/work management
- Sobol - Sobol maps accountability across your entire ecosystem so teams can move fast with alignment and trust.
- Clarity - The simplest workspace for decentralized teams. Easily plan projects, track tasks, and stay organized.
- Skiff - Private & decentralized workspace. Everything on Skiff is end-to-end encrypted.
- Dework - A web3-native Trello with token payments, credentialing, bounties and more.
- Puzzle - Build a real collaboration space for contributors, connected to your Discord.
Contribution accounting
- Sourcecred - A tool for communities to measure and reward value creation.
- Coordinape - Scale your community with tools to reward contributors, incentivize participation and manage resources
- Dish Praise - The simplest tool for rewarding contributors.
Treasury/salary management
- Gnosis Safe - A multi-signature wallet/treasury for DAOs.
- Llama - Llama enables decentralized communities to allocate their treasuries and assess results.
- Parcel - A suite of tools to scale DAO financial operations and empower DAO contributors.
- Superfluid - Handle subscriptions, salaries, rewards and any composable stream of value.
Membership management/token gating
- Collab.land - A bot helping manage memberships in token curated communities.
- Unlock Protocol - Add memberships & unlock ownership of your community, across all your platforms.
- Agora Space - Token-Gated Access for DAOs and Social Tokens
- Boardroom - Boardroom is a management platform helping people participate in DAO governance.
- Snapshot - Snapshot is a free, open-source, transparent voting framework.
- Tally - Tally empowers user-owned communities & aggregates governance.
Market making/liquidity
- Balancer - An automated market-maker with more options.
- Uniswap - An automated market-maker, for making your token tradeable.
- PrimeDAO - Launch, Rate, Pool and Venture: together.
- Etherize - Summon a legal wrapper for your DAO.
- Otonomos - Otonomos helps the crypto community form offchain and onchain legal entities.
- Open Esquire - Enabling The Next Generation of Legal Services.
🥰Friendly DAOs
This is by no means an extensive list of DAOs. These are the DAOs that we share at least one member with; DAOs that we trust. For a full list of Ethereum based DAOs, check DeepDAO.
💪A Few Builder DAOs
- 🐝 1Hive - Exploring how to create and organize a global community and using magic internet money as a catalyst.
- ⚪ Deep Work - Deep Work is a distributed product design studio that helps highly technical teams move to product-market fit, faster.
- ⚔️ Raid Guild - A Decentralized Collective of Mercenaries Ready to Slay Your Web3 Product Demons - also slaying their own demons.
- 💫 Token Engineering - Here to answer the following question: “What does it take to do token engineering, and how can we forward this nascent discipline together?”
- ⚖️ LexDAO - The decentralized legal engineering guild.
- YourDAO - This could be you. Do you already have a DAO? Want to start one?
💰Some Funding DAOs
Some of the DAOs with the purpose of funding projects in the Ethereum space could possibly fund your DAO.
- MetaCartel - An ecosystem of builders giving grants to decentralized applications, scaling solutions & DAOs on the Ethereum blockchain.
- Moloch DAO - Awards grants to advance the Ethereum ecosystem.
- MetaCartel Ventures - A for-profit, venture capital DAO.
- The LAO - A global group of Ethereum enthusiasts and experts supporting the work of Ethereum builders.
💸DAO Funding
A few more ways of getting some funds.
- Gitcoin - Another route you could take is playing Gitcoin’s quadratic matching game. Read more about it here.
- Panvala - Panvala is the sustainable treasury for communities to share.
- Free Company - Free Company is a syndicate of experienced Web3 builders investing empathy-driven capital into early-stage blockchain projects.
- fair launch capital - The Fair Launch enables founders to leverage existing networks to bootstrap distribution and build long-term, highly engaged, collaborative communities.
Afaik the only DAO events there are in this space.
- DAO Rush Week - Happening once a quarter, DAO Rush Week is a must-attend event for anyone interested in DAO. All the DAOs from the Ethereum space and wider are summoned to present their missions, host parties & initiate new members.
- DAO Haus Party - DAOHaus Live Streams; go through the DAOHaus Discord if you want to participate.
- Fork The World - Our hackathon for people building DAOs, technologies & knowledge around decentralized organizing. Happening once a year.
These are the only forums I know in the Ethereum DAO space that aren't dead. Feel free to add more from this space or from the wider "decentralized organizing" space.
- DAOtalk - A forum for everything-DAOs.
- MetaSquare - MetaGame’s forum, all topics related to decentralized governance welcome.
- ??? - Are there more? Add them 🙃
🏃Get started DAOing
Some useful pieces of writing for getting started building teams & communities. For actually deploying a DAO on Ethereum, there are framework-specific guides available in framework-specific rabbit holes.
Our posts:
- What, Why & How of the DAO - Essential questions you should be asking yourself when starting a DAO.
- Guilding 101 - How to start DAOs that have a specific goal.
- Building Successful Teams - Essentials of team-building.
External resources:
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - Definitions & additional resources on DAOs by the Ethereum Foundation.
- Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - More definitions & mechanisms of DAOs on Square I.
- DAO Landscape - An overview of the DAO landscape by Cooper Turley
- Anticapture by Spencer Graham - Towards a Framework of Capture-Resistant Governance
- Eight Qualities of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by Kei Kreutler
- Handbook of Handbooks for Decentralized Organising - Examples of decentralised organisations that have a public, transparent, well-documented handbook that explains how they work
- Connection/Community Building Resources - Just a bunch of links on our forums.
- Convergent Facilitation - "Convergent Facilitation is a highly efficient decision-making process."
- DisCO - Distributed Cooperative Organizations' Governance Model
- Holacracy - "A concrete framework for encoding autonomy, agility, and purpose-alignment into your organization's DNA."
- Sociocracy 3.0 - "Sociocracy 3.0 is social technology for evolving agile and resilient organizations at any size."
- Conviction Voting - A Novel Continuous Decision Making Alternative to Governance
These are some of the books that might come in handy when interested in building decentralized organizations.
- The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations.
- Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness
- Brave New Work: Are You Ready To Reinvent Your Organization?
- The Penguin and the Leviathan: The Triumph of Cooperation Over Self-Interest
- The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
Now What?
- If there are links & resources you would like to add to the page above, you are free to submit them here. (and get rewarded if accepted ofc)
- If you have any questions or need any help, you are welcome on our Discord :)